Pool Cleaning Service

Pool Care and Cleaning Tips for Orlando and Central Florida

It’s alright if you don’t use a weekly pool service, we commend you for choosing to take on the formidable task of maintaining that chemistry experiment in your backyard more commonly known as a swimming pool. We want everyone to get as much enjoyment as possible from their pool, so here are some pool care tips to help make sure you enjoy your pool as much as our friends and customers do.  All we ask in return is that at some time in the future should you decide to turn over the care of your pool to a trained and licensed pool professional, give us a call at 407-859-POOL.

Chlorine level

To maintain the proper level of residual chlorine when swimmer load is heavy (the kids have been swimming a lot – summer), shock your pool once a week with a 3 to 5 times higher than normal dose of chlorine. Do not enter the pool until the chemical level is normalized.

Chlorine is broken down by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Using cyanuric acid to stabilize the chlorine in your pool at the beginning of the swim season will help you maximize your chlorine’s efficiency all summer long.

Filters remove suspended particles from pool water, but don’t control bacteria or algae. Maintain a residual chlorine level of 1.0-3.0 ppm (parts per million) to kill bacteria and/or algae present in the water.

pH level

The ideal pH for pool water is 7.5. A pH range of 7.4-7.6 is considered acceptable.
Maintaining a total alkalinity (T.A.) range from 80-120 ppm (parts per million) will help minimize changes in pH, which can result in scaling and corrosion. Frequent testing can help prevent these problems before they get out of hand.

Test kits

To ensure accurate readings, replace test kit reagents annually.

To ensure the highest water quality, test your pool’s pH and free chlorine levels daily, adding chemicals as needed.

Proper chemical usage is important for maintaining a healthy pool. Be sure to follow the chemical manufacturer’s instructions closely regarding proper dosage for your size pool.


Let Us Help You Take Care of Your Pool or Home

Swim season is here again, what a perfect time to start a new pool service! If you’re not satisfied with your current pool service company, call us now. We guarantee your satisfaction! We’d love to take care of your pool, and in order to entice you, we’re offering our residential customers Half-Off one month of weekly pool service when you enroll in our AutoPay service!  Just call us at 407-859-7665 (407-859-POOL) 

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