Is a Variable Speed Pool Pump Worth the cost?

Variable speed pool pump or single speed? If you own an inground pool, you know that maintaining it can be a significant expense. One of the biggest expenses is running your pool pump. It circulates water through your pool filter, keeping your pool clean and clear. However, there’s good news – new technology has made pool pumps more efficient than ever before. In this article, we’ll be discussing the benefits of variable speed pool pumps. Specifically, we will be discussing some Hayward and Pentair models. We will be exploring why these models are worth the investment.

Single Speed Pool Pumps – a losing proposition

First, let’s talk about the traditional pool pump – the single-speed pump. As the name suggests, this type of pump operates at a fixed speed, typically at 3,450 RPMs (revolutions per minute), for about eight hours per day and consumes a lot of energy. While these pumps are relatively inexpensive, they are far from energy efficient. In fact, regardless of the size, single speed pumps are notorious for being one of the most energy-intensive appliances in a home. They can consume up to 3,000 watts per hour of operation.

do variable speed pool pumps really save money?

Variable Speed Pool Pumps – stop losing money

Variable speed pool pumps can operate at a range of speeds. The lowest speed is 600 RPMs, while the highest speed is 3,450 RPMs. This means that they can be adjusted to meet the specific needs of your pool, saving you money on energy costs. Additionally, variable speed pumps run much more quietly than single-speed pumps, reducing noise pollution in your backyard.

One of the most significant benefits of variable speed pool pumps is their energy efficiency and ability to reduce your energy bills. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, upgrading to a variable speed pump can save pool owners up to 90% on their pool’s energy costs. The reason for this is that variable speed pumps operate at lower speeds for longer periods, allowing them to circulate water more efficiently while using less energy.

Can I Still Get A Single Speed Pool Pump?

Another reason to consider upgrading to a variable speed pool pump is recent legislation that has eliminated single-speed pool pumps in some areas. In California, for example, all new or replacement pool pumps must be energy efficient, meaning that single-speed pumps are no longer an option. Other states may soon follow suit, so if you’re in the market for a new pool pump, it’s a good idea to consider a variable speed model.

Because of the new Department of Energy rules, manufacturers no longer produce single speed pumps above 1 HHP and up to 2.5 HHP (hydraulic horsepower), so if you absolutely must have one, it is likely very difficult to find one that meets your requirements.

is hayward or pentair better?

Two of the most popular brands of variable speed pool pumps are Hayward and Pentair. Both brands offer a range of models to meet the needs of any size pool.

Hayward offers the TriStar VS 900 and MaxFlo VS 500 models, both of which are Energy Star certified, meaning that they meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These models feature permanent magnet motors that operate quietly and efficiently, and they are compatible with Hayward’s automation systems, making them easy to control.

Pentair offers several variable speed pool pump models, including the SuperFlo VS and IntelliFlo VSF models. The SuperFlo VS is a more affordable option, while the IntelliFlo VSF is a higher-end model that offers even greater energy savings. Both models feature permanent magnet motors, and the IntelliFlo VSF includes a built-in safety vacuum release system, which can detect blockages and shut off the pump to prevent damage.

pentair intelliflo vsf

What’s the Right Variable Speed Pump for Your Swimming Pool?

When selecting a variable speed pool pump, there are a few things to consider, including the size of your pool, the flow rate required by your filtration system, and your budget. If you’re not sure which model to choose, consult with a pool professional who can help you determine the best option for your needs.

It’s also important to note that some utility companies offer rebates or incentives for upgrading to an energy efficient pool pump. Check with your local utility company to see if there are any programs available in your area.

In addition to the energy savings, variable speed pumps also offer longer lifespan compared to single speed pumps. With fewer moving parts, they experience less wear and tear and therefore last longer. This translates to fewer replacement costs, further adding to your savings.

When it comes to maintenance, variable speed pumps are easier to maintain compared to single speed pumps. They require less frequent cleaning and maintenance due to their longer lifespan, and their programmable controls allow you to set the pump to run at specific times, making it easier to manage and maintain.

what does energy star mean?

When a pool pump is certified by Energy Star, it means that it meets or exceeds the energy efficiency standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Energy Star certified pool pumps use up to 70% less energy than standard models, which translates to significant savings on energy bills.

pool pump clean water

When shopping for a pool pump, it’s essential to look for the Energy Star label and check the pool pump’s energy efficiency rating. An energy efficient pump will not only save you money on energy bills but also reduce your carbon footprint, making it an eco-friendly choice for your pool.

It’s worth noting that not all pool pumps on the market are Energy Star certified. However, if you’re looking for an energy efficient pool pump, Energy Star certification is an excellent place to start your search.

In conclusion, upgrading to a variable speed pool pump can provide significant savings on energy costs, reduce noise pollution, and provide longer lifespan compared to single speed pumps. Hayward and Pentair are two popular brands that offer a range of models to meet different pool sizes and budgets. Before selecting a pump, it’s essential to consider the size of your pool, flow rate, and your budget. With the right variable speed pump, you can enjoy your pool while reducing your carbon footprint and saving money in the long run.

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